Friday, May 25, 2012

Family Photos

Good afternoon readers, its been a while.  We have an injured team member currently, otherwise we would have another investigation uploaded.  However, that doesn't mean I am not collecting evidence for you all anyways.  My aunt came across a few photographs that are quite interesting and I figured this would be the best place to share them. 
This first picture was taken in Louisville, Kentucky.  This is my grandmother, on my mom's side, standing in front of my great-grandmother's house, shortly after my great-grandmother passed away.
Take a look at the window behind her.
I would like to also note, the reason for my interests in the paranormal occurred around this same time.  Shortly after my great-grandmother died, I was 7 at the time, I had an encounter with the paranormal.  I walked past a table in our living room with very sharp edges and sliced my leg open big time.  I had scraped my leg on this table before, and even bumped into it, but not once had I ever put a gash in my leg.  My mom ran to grab the first aid kit, because I had blood pouring down my leg.  When she returned I simply had a scar in that location.  I vividly remember seeing a woman appear before me and her running her cold finger across the wound, then noticing the lack of blood when she disappeared.  I was frozen in place and incredibly frightened when my mom came back, and she was freaked out too.  This poses the question of whether the picture above and my childhood incident are both my great-grandmother making an appearance.

The next two photos I have were taken at my grandmother's trailer in Magnolia, Texas.  My grandmother died in the hospital when her lungs collapsed and shortly after we realized what may have caused this to happen.  The trailer she bought was used as a model home and not really connected to anything before she bought it.  Apparently they attempted to connect sewer and water lines to the trailer too quickly and forgot one very important area.  There was a plastic covering left over where the drain should have emptied out of the kitchen sink.  They never connected a sewer line to it and therefor the waste just collected in this huge plastic net.  Therefor the cause of her illness could have been from mold fumes coming into the house and her inhaling them.  My cousins had been living with her and resided in the house for a while after she passed, and they found this out from wondering what was wrong with the sink and bug coming out of it.  The mess was cleaned up and pipes were installed, however lye had to be put down to kill the mold and soak up the mess afterward.
Underneath the trailer, where the mess was cleaned up, the orbs are noticeable in the top left.

This was in the back of the house, the kitchen window which the sink set in front of is in the center.  More very noticeable orbs.
My aunt is currently digging through her many photos, looking what else she may have and never noticed.  If we come up with more, I will be sharing them soon.  Don't forget to leave your feed back and if you haven't already, then join our blog as a follower.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

A Little Bit of an Update

Good afternoon readers, I just wanted to give everyone a quick update and share some interesting photos.  We have a possible investigation coming in the next week, and I have had up put up on a national feed and twitter for people to contact for investigations.  I am really hoping we pick up soon, but this stuff is also difficult to work around our work schedules, because we don't have normal 9-5 jobs.  Anyhow, I took a picture in my house a while ago and just decided that maybe I should pot it.  I will also post the one before and after, all taken within a couple seconds of each other.  This was the day I got my new camera and was really just testing it out, not even thinking I would catch anything.

This is the one!  Not a ball, not dust, and not line of light to follow.

Funny how he tried to move, I said to sit, and he did then turned and looked right at that spot.
Also, yesterday my friend Lynz and I took a trip to Galveston.  We thought we would explore Fort Travis, then go to the beach and have some of  Rita's water ice.  As usual, the plan didn't follow, except the Rita's part.  Fort Travis was closed, which their website said nothing about, and the weather was bad.  We had fun anyways though, we explored the  Bolivar Peninsula, visited some cemeteries, went to the oldest existing public library in Texas, walked along the Strand, visited a pub, had dinner, and got some creepy pictures of two of my favorite buildings in Galveston.
The Bishop's Palace

The Moody Mansion
The cemeteries where extremely interesting, and we are planning on going another time.  There is so much to see and not enough time in one day to experience it all.  I will leave some pictures from the cemetery here, but I wanted to let everyone know, that I have been inspired to make a cemetery blog.  I always take tons of pictures and am fascinated with some of the history you find, so that will be up shortly and I will be linking it to this website.  I will update you guys and there are tons of photos coming your way. 

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Some Info

Hi faithful readers!  I just wanted to let you guys know that we are now listed on which is an online paranormal society directory.  In other words, we should get more cases.  Also, we got a couple more pieces of equipment, and the whole week off work.  By the end of next week, if nothing more, I will have some pics up for you guys from Galveston.  Let me know if there is any place in particular that we should check out there, and keep checking back for updates.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Back in Action

Good afternoon readers!  I just wanted to let you guys know that we are back in the game and with new equipment.  In fact, Wednesday night we did an investigation of a house.  The owner asked that we not reveal the location, but we will just say that it was in Mission Bend.  However, I will share with you what she told us during her interview.
The first thing she remembered were footstep and creaking in the night, also getting an overwhelming feeling.  She said it felt as if there was a presence around you when no one was home.  Next, she informed us of hearing children playing in the living room when both her and her son where in their bedrooms.  To go along with this, the previous owners actually left a baby bed behind, in the garage.  By sight, she has seen a puddle of water appear, a snake, and unexplainable shadows.  Lastly, 3 of her dishes were thrown onto the floor and shattered.

All of these instances made it seem really scary before we even walked into the house.  Granted the house did have a bad vibe about it, but we weren't able to catch any real evidence.  Also, no one in my team had any type of experiences.  We did get a few words on the ovilus, which just so happened to be when we were walking out of the door.  It said, "roof" "man" and "help."  We are attempting to look further into the history of the property.  Google tells us nothing, neighbors know nothing, and now all that we have left are to retrieve police records.

That is pretty much all that has been going on with us. We will be continuing investigations with our new technology and continuing to update.  So keep your eyes open and don't forget, you can email us at if you have any potential cases for us.

TGPI Lead Investigator,
Tori Rockstad