Sunday, November 13, 2011

Forest Park Cemetery

Nothing there, this cemetery is really peaceful actually, but its nice, and gorgeous statues everywhere.  I promise to go back and get better photos in the daytime, but I got a couple good ones.

Patience For Now

So, the Brewery Tap has not been investigated, there is just too much going on and not enough resources.  We are going to take this time to do lots of research and prepare ourselves for investigations starting at the beginning of the year.  In the mean time we are doing small investigations, also.  I will post up some pictures I recently took at the cemetery next to my company's new office building.  So, don't think we have disappeared or quit doing what we love, we simply need time to gather ourselves as a team.  Further updates will come your way and don't forget to email us at and tell us of any haunted locations we should check out.